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Tax Year 2021 Update Workshop Federal & California - Inland Empire Chapter Virtual Two-Part Seminar
Monday, January 10, 2022, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM PST
Category: In-Person Chapter Meetings

Tax Year 2021 Update Workshop Federal & California
Inland Empire Chapter Virtual Two-Part Seminar


Day One: Saturday, January 8, 2022
Time: 8:00 AM to 2:30 PM

Day Two: Monday, January 10, 2022
Time: 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM


Online Meeting via Zoom
This will be a Zoom Meeting. Once you register and pay the Zoom link will be provided in your confirmation email for you to log in at the designated meeting time. Zoom does require registration before entering the meeting. 


Day One
• Coverage of IRS Tax Updates and changes
 •American Rescue Plan and other new tax laws
• 2020 and 2021 stimulus payments
• Child tax credits with advance payments
• Payroll Tax return for ERC and paid sick and family leave credits
• And much more

Day Two
Find out what's new at the FTB: Brenda Voet, Taxpayers' Right's Advocate at the Franchise Tax Board (FTB) will describe services available from the Taxpayers’ Rights Advocate’s Office when “normal channels fail.” She will also talk about changes for the taxpayer, the practitioner and the FTB that have occurred due to the Covid-19 pandemic. She will cover other topics including but not limited to California Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), recent legislation changes, communicating with the FTB and other policies and procedures that may be helpful to know for your practice.


Day One
Claudia Stanley, CPA, EA
Claudia Stanley, CPA is a graduate of California State University, Fresno, and serves as treasurer of the California Society of Tax Consultants, as education chair of the Central California Chapter of Enrolled Agents, and as treasurer of Fresno’s local chapter of American Business Women’s Association. Claudia is a long-time member of CSTC. In 2016 she was named member of the year of the Central Valley Chapter of CSTC and in 2001 she was named one of the Top Ten Women of the Year in the nation by the American Business Women’s Association. She frequently speaks on various tax topics.


Day Two
Brenda has been with the Franchise Tax Board for more than 30 years, working most recently in the Audit Division as the Program Manager for the Partnership, Limited Liability Company (LLC), and Estates and Trusts workloads. Brenda may be familiar to many in the Tax Practitioner Community, having spent five years as the Technical Assistant to the Taxpayers’ Rights Advocate. She successfully resolved hundreds of taxpayers' state tax issues and ensured taxpayers were given proper protection under the Taxpayers’ Bill of Rights. Brenda conducted hundreds of presentations throughout the state, educating taxpayers about the different forms of ownership, and explaining the Department’s most complex practices, policies, legal opinions and decisions to small business owners, and national and California tax practitioner organizations. Brenda also brings to her new position the experience she gained from almost two years in FTB’s Public Affairs Office where she responded to national and California press. She participated in radio and television news as well as in community programs on behalf of the department. In addition to being an enrolled agent, Brenda has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration with an emphasis in Accounting and Management Information Systems from California State University, Sacramento and a Master of Science Degree in Taxation from California State University, Hayward (now East Bay). She is also graduate of FTB’s Executive Assessment and Development program.

CPE Information:

Day One
1 Federal Law hours (Topics covering existing tax law)
5 Federal Tax Update hours (Topics covering new tax law)

IRS: 18QC1-U-01591-21-O / 18QC1-T-01592-21-O
CTEC: 1000-CE-4999

Knowledge Level: Intermediate (Basic knowledge helpful)

Day Two
2 California hours (Topics covering California law issues)

IRS: None
CTEC: 1000-CE-5000

Knowledge Level: Intermediate (Basic knowledge helpful)

Cost (Covers Both Days):

Registration Fee (Member): $85
Registration Fee (Non-Member): $135

For more information please contact Hilde Morrow, email: [email protected] or phone: 951.836.3006.

This presentation has been designed to meet the requirements of the Return Preparer Office, the California State Board of Accountancy; and the California Tax Education Council including code 31 of Federal Regulations10.6 (g). This does not constitute an endorsement by these groups. A listing of additional requirements to renew tax preparer registration may be obtained by contacting CTEC at P.O. Box 2890, Sacramento, CA. 95812- 2890, or phone CTEC at (877) 850-2832, or on the Internet at

Contact: Contact Mathilde "Hilde" Morrow at [email protected] or 951.836.3006