Member Resources

Tax and Accounting

Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

See also News From the IRS by clicking here

See also Member Benefits by clicking here

Information on Tax Pro Credentials

See also Member Center (must login with username and password) by clicking here

IRS Stakeholder Contacts for CSTC Chapters

Franchise Tax Board (FTB)

CA Tax Practitioner Directory

California Tax Education Council (CTEC)

CSTC Membership Application

The California Tax Education Council (CTEC) will continue to establish professional tax education standards, approve tax education providers who comply with these standards, and facilitate tax preparer compliance for the benefit of California taxpayers.

Need a referral? Have a question to raise with other CSTC members? Join the CSTC Member Listserv! Login in to the Member Center (click login above and enter in your username and password); you will land in the Member Center.

Resource Books/Software

Order through your chapter for the best price.

Find it fast in either of these tax reference books.

The Tax Book

CCH Books Visit your CCH Partner Page Today! 

See also: Member Benefits page

Other Sites for Information:

California State Board of Equalization (BOE)

NSA - National Society of Accountants