From the President

HOLD ‘EM or FOLD ‘EM By Rodney J. Couts, EA, President
I bid bon voyage today to a very dear friend. For the last sixteen years, we have walked our dogs, solved the worlds problems and enjoyed the gorgeous sunsets of our coastal community together.
Although an octogenarian, she has a sound mind, strong body and an incredible intellect, my friend made the decision to move back to the East Coast to be closer to her children and grandchildren while she can do so on her terms. She is moving into assisted living, although at present there is no need. She is planning ahead, recognizing that someday there may be limitations. I admire her courage. Facetime will hopefully bridge our divide!
The teaching moment here is that we all face limitations, including in our tax practices. Our Herculean souls wish to do everything we can for our clients, and sometimes that just isn’t the right thing to do. We must recognize that we all have a line in the sand that we must not cross, but more importantly have the courage to not cross it.
Earlier this week I spoke with Patrick Martin, president of the Taxation Section of the Bar of California. Our conversation revolved around the issue of knowing when we need to punt to the next level of expertise, but when doing so it being in a collaborative environment. We also talked about the need to understand each other’s perspective, and how we can turn that understanding into an advantage for both of us.
I get calls almost daily from clients and prospective clients seeking my counsel on a variety of issues, some being more complex than others. I’ve learned to recognize that when I’m getting in over my head, I need to pause, regroup, and think of the alternative. I used to believe it was a failure to think this way, but no longer.
If I’m asked a question by my client where my knowledge level isn’t complete, I ask myself “Am I really doing this client a favor?” Our job is to be always doing what’s best for our client. I urge you to plant this thought into everything you do with your clients.
CSTC offers hundreds of CE credit hours annually on both the state and chapter level. Our goal is to make every tax professional we can as complete a tax professional as possible. We accomplish this mission through a network of fifteen local chapters, Society live-course offerings and online education. When we take advantage of educational offerings, we can narrow the knowledge gap, more importantly gain a better ability to recognize when the situation requires us to punt.
By participating in the terrific membership interaction within CSTC, we also learn who can fill the void when we need to make that decision. I made two referrals yesterday and I trust I’ve made the right decision because I know these people from being a part of my local North San Diego County chapter.
As for my friend, I’m am going to miss her. But I will be forever thankful that our relationship has given me a lifetime lesson I will never forget.
Welcome New CSTC Members!
Please help us in joining our newest CSTC Members!
Debra Basinger Central Valley
Roger Garay San Diego-East County
Denise Hunter Orange County- South
Joleen Maddalon Central Valley
Maria Martinez San Francisco Bay
Virginia Moores Temecula Valley
Maria Prado San Francisco Bay
Rosalina Rosay Greater Long Beach
Kimberly Schreiber Temecula Valley
Kary Sisneros San Diego-North County
Charles Woodson Member-at-Large
Audrey Yeboah Greater Long Beach
August Chapter Events
August 1, 2018 Topic: Tax Cuts & Job Acts Tips, Strategies and Tricks, Section 199A
Temecula Valley Chapter 1 California Hour 1 Federal Update Hour
August 2, 2018 Topic: Cyber Security with Ruth Godfrey, EA San Gabriel Valley Chapter 2 Federal Law Hours
August 7, 2018 Topic: Microsoft Excel: A Valuable Tool for Tax Return Preparation & Complying with Sec. 10.22 of Circular 230 Diligence as to Accuracy San Diego-East County Chapter 1 Federal Tax Hour
Topic: Ethics San Diego-East County Chapter 2 Hours Ethics
August 8, 2018 Topic: Cost Segregation and the New Tax Laws Affecting Depreciable Real Estate Orange County Chapter 2 Federal Update Hours
August 9, 2018 Topic: 1031 Tax-Deferred Exchange San Diego-North County Chapter 2 Federal Update Hours
August 11, 2018 Topic: Ethics and California Seminar San Gabriel Valley Chapter 4 California Hours & 2 Ethics Hours
August 15, 2018 Topic: Tax Advantaged Retirement Plans - For Individuals and Businesses Inland Empire Chapter 2 Federal Law Hours
August 16, 2018 Topic: Effectively Handling A Surprise IRS Visit—What To Do When An Agent Shows Up Unexpectedly San Diego Chapter 2 Federal Law Hours
August 25, 2018 Topic: TBA San Francisco Bay Chapter Hours: TBA
August 28, 2018 Topic: Cyber Security - How Safe are your Clients and your Office? Orange County - South Chapter 2 Federal Tax Hours
August 29, 2018 Topic: Ethics Greater Long Beach Chapter Hours TBA
Register Now For The 2018 Fall Tax and Accounting Forum!
Topic: Partnerships and LLC's Date: Friday & Saturday, Septemebr 21-22, 2018 Location: The Grand, 4101 E. Willow Street, Long Beach, CA 90815
Schedule Coming Soon!
Fees: Early Bird (Until Aug. 10) After Aug. 10 Members $199 $225 Staff $219 $250 Non-Members $249 $285

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- Providing quality education
- Creating networking opportunities
- Advocating professional standards