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CLICK HERE to submit your classified ad! CSTC Members are welcome to advertise in the CSTC Reporter. The member rate is $45 per quarter, per ad, with a maximum of 50 words. If you wish to place an ad in more than one category, please submit a separate form for each category. Submissions are limited to 50 words and may include hyperlinks for additional information. Ad content will only be reviewed after confirmed receipt of payment. The CSTC Reporter is emailed on the first business day of each month to 55,000+ contacts. Advertisement categories include:
Submissions will be reviewed by editors for approval by the 15th of the month. If approved, the ad will be included in the Reporter for the remainder of the quarter. Submissions received after the 15th of the month will be reviewed the following month. Quarter Dates:
All submitted advertisements are subject to acceptance at the sole discretion of the CSTC. If an advertisement is not accepted, a refund will be issued. CLICK HERE to submit your classified ad! |